Crop Covers
Ultra-fine veggiemesh neting is for keeping the smaller pests from ruining your vegetables. Some of these smaller insect pests include the flea beetle, allium leaf miner and whitefly.
Frequently asked questions
What Insects does the ultra fine netting protect from?
The Veggiemesh insect netting is very good quality ultra-fine netting for your garden. It works the same as Veggiemesh works but of course it contains smaller holes which allows to to grow fruit a Vegetables free rom insect damage. By using this netting to cover your crops, they'll be protected from damage by whitefly ,flea beetle and allium leaf miner.
Where can I use the ultra-fine veggiemesh insect netting?
It can be used to screen glasshouse doors and vents, and also windows to keep the insects out. You can also lay it to cover your crops or even over hoops or garden cages.
Does the netting allow much light and air through?
The light and air that goes through is the same as the standard veggiemesh.
You can also buy netting bags in the ultra-fine veggiemesh and fruit tree sleeves.
Ultra Fine Veggiemesh