Environmesh tunnel kit

Crop Covers
Envirofleece 30g
Envirofleece 30g is nearly double the thickness of the standard lightweight fleece. It is much stronger and provides a lot more frost protection.
Envirofleece 30g is ideal for protection of supple shrubs against frost damage. It is also great for insulating the greenhouse, and for use on soft fruit, early potatoes and for to cover hardened off plants over night.
How to use Envirofleece 30g for individual shrub protection...
The envirofleece will need to be wrapped around the shrub and fixed with string at the bottom of the plant.
How to use the Envirofleece 30g for your greenhouse...
In the winter, Envirofleece 30 can be secured inside the glass of a greenhouse to provide a 'double glazing' effect. It is very easy to fix on,and also simple to remove and is re-usable. In Aluminium greenhouses it can be fixed to glazing bars using clips or double-sided sticky pads. In wooden greenhouses it may be fixed to the glazing bars using drawing pins or alternatively, double-sided sticky pads.
How to use Envirofleece 30g for bedding plants...
Envirofleece 30 can be used for overnight protection of bedding and other crops which are being 'hardened off'.
How to protect your crops with envirofleece 30g...
Some vegetable crops can be damaged by winter frosts,especially cauliflower. You will need to cover crops with Envirofleece 30 during periods of cold weather. The fleece should be removed during periods of mild wet weather.
How to use envirofleece 30g on early potatoes...
Early potatoes need to be covered from planting, and the cover should be kept in place until there it is unlikely there will be any more frost.
Can you Re-use Envirofleece 30?
If used carefully and taken care of, the fleece can be re-used many times. The fleece is also machine washable, as long as you ensure temperature does not exceed 40oC. The fleece can easily cut with sharp scissors if needed. When you are not using the fleece, it willl need to be stored of out of any direct sunlight in a vermin proof environment. To secure the fleece in position, Tri-Pegs can be used.